Āki Innovations Ltd (Āki) is a Kaupapa Māori social enterprise, led by two wāhine Māori of Ngāti Maniapoto, Whakatōhea and Tūhoe descent who are motivated to nurture whānau wellbeing by unpacking complex intergenerational challenges.
We’re looking to work with those that are grounded in a Kaupapa Māori approach of ‘by Māori, for Māori, with Māori, in a Māori way’ and welcome allies to journey with us.

ĀKI Rehab
Supporting you to navigate your ACC journey
Adjusting to life following an injury?
We see you.
We hear you.
We're with you.
ĀKI can support all types of injurys, serious and non-serious
Need support to navigate the way forward?
Need support to return to your pre-injury functioning?
Let ĀKI support your recovery journey through the delivery of culturally grounded and clinically sound rehabilitation.
ĀKI offers holistic responses to injury through culturally grounded and clinically sound rehabilitation through the Training For Independence (TI) programme funded by ACC.
Drawing on Kaupapa Māori frameworks such as Whare Tapa Whā, TI is delivered in your home and community throughout the broader Waikato and South Auckland.
ĀKI will support you to live strongly in your mana motuhake.

Recover with a wrap around team of skilled Kaitiaki including:
Occupational Therapists
Social Workers
Speech Language Therapists
Rehab Coaches

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