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ĀKI Rongoā Māori

Facilitating access to Rongoā Māori 

Rongoā Māori refers to a wide range of traditional Māori healing modalities, incorporating holistic aspects of mind, body and spirit. At ĀKI we offer Mirimiri, Romiromi, Whitiwhiti Kōrero, and Oro Mauri within the Waikato region.​


Mirimiri incorporates physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of a person’s wellness. It aids in releasing and relieving tension and pain that may be stored in parts of the body.

Whitiwhiti Kōrero

Whitiwhiti Kōrero is a forum for cultural support and advice.  

If you live in within the Waikato, request to book services below. 

If you live outside of the Waikato, contact us for our partners in your area.

Oro Mauri

Oro Mauri therapies is a sound based practice that uses tools such as Taonga Puoro (Maori healing instruments) to assist in healing. Using Oro therapy can help restore and rebalance our natural system and energy and help treat conditions such as depression, anxiety, exhaustion.

Mountain Sunset

How to access rongoā


To cancel a session please phone us on 07 949 6873 or email

within 24 hours of the session.

ĀKI Rongoā Team


Evette (Evy) Hetet

Ngāti Hikairo, Ngāti Rora,
Ngai Tahu

Kaimirimiri & mother of two beautiful kids. Focused on health and wellness for whānau.

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Mihaka Hohua

Ngāti Hikairo, Waikato, Maniapoto

30 years working in ratonga hapori/ hauora Māori.

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Mana Huggan

Te Aitanga-ā-Māhaki, Rongowhakaata

Kaimirimiri guided by the teachings of Moana Skipwith-Lousi & mahi-ā-wairua by Wiremu Niania

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Komako Silver

Ngāti Pakahi, Ngā Puhi

Taonga Pūoro practitioner and artist, nurtured by the teachings of her Māreikura, Ngaronoa Renata.

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